Mastodon <meta content='CPzzSf_MBw01v6CgXJEzNqPFudNXGJzx9G-vEIyhIzo' name='google-site-verification'/>iNforma Nation : Letter to GRaCE Recovery Coach Editor

Out of This World - Blog Turns Supernatural or Spiritual

A Continued Commitment... TO OUR NATIONS FUTURE!

There are thousands of social service agencies, both publicly and privately funded, as well as individual caregivers. Information and access to these services is fragmented. Many providers do not even have a presence on the web. Consumers of social services need help finding available and accessible resources quickly and in one place. iNforma Nation offers verified information such as links to resource sites, articles, community events, professional and educational workshops, and more for free. Professionals and agencies alike can add free resource and event content, and consumers can use the site to request help in finding the resources or information they need.

Letter to GRaCE Recovery Coach Editor

My Name is Andrea Lopez and I have recently completed the Recovery Coach / Life Coach 1 class through Greater Recovery and Community Empowerment ( GRaCE ) - a 501c3 non-profit organization.

I feel like this class is beneficial to me because of my own personal devastation. I GRIEVE my CHILDREN that are LIVING, EVERYDAY, due to horrific crimes by CPS/DHS/HHR. 

I believe coaching is beneficial to our Community because one can assume this Organization has been put in place to PROTECT and DEFEND Our Children…

Our Natural Born Rights… The TRUTH!? Right?..

You're Wrong!..

Family Court is where cases will continue to be the drive behind FORCED Adoption & Parental Alienation, A timeless battle against Families & Child Protective Services.

Our CARE, CUSTODY, and CONTROL, being misguided and/or taken by UNLAWFUL PRACTICES. Oftentimes Social Workers are not TRAINED or QUALIFIED to make such demands. Cases being opened based solely on OPINION or worse yet, a FABRICATED ALLEGATION.

I want to share my story with others in similar situations to EXPOSE the System that is FAILING our FAMILIES thus leading to Mental Health issues and Addiction. 

“More Than 20 Kids in Preston County” 

YouTube video shows what is happening RIGHT NOW and can be viewed on my facebook or by visiting: 

Please join my Facebook Group. Our Families Are Being Destroyed. or contact via phone # 681.622.1039