I Have Physical Evidence That Deserves Scientific Study...
and a Proper Investigation on Entities Whom Generally Do Not Get Questioned. The CIA, CPS and Pagans Bike Group Fabricated and Staged All Phenomena in Relation to Myself and My 4 Children. I Have Major Events & Natural Disasters Tied To Me.
I Have Reason To Believe That the Reason They Have Not Visited the Moon Since 1972 is Because it is Infact an Orb and Debunking What is Believed to Be "Big Foot"
The Moon Glows but There Is No Sun Behind It but It Can Be Seen Sometimes During the Day at Various Hours and Being Transparent.
"The Man on the Moon"& "The Dark Side of the Moon"
This is Also Connected With Me at Age 14 on a Church Hayride. I Saw What Appeared to be a "Funky Fetus" in an Orb That Took Up Half of the Night Sky...
Xavier Alexander Was Born Right in Front of My Face... Its Personal Protection, Folks in Relation to
"The Royal Family" Yeah I Suppose I'm Related but Have Received No Royalties. I'm Homeless!