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Corporate Criminals In Child Custody Cases

Why You Shouldn't Use The Attorney
In Propria Persona: In one’s own proper person. It was formerly a rule in pleading that pleas to the jurisdiction of the court must be pleaded in propria persona, because if pleaded by an Attorney they admit the jurisdiction, as an Attorney is an Officer of the Court, and he is presumed to plead after having obtained Leave, which admits the jurisdiction.
And there you have it. An Attorney is a Bounty Hunter with a suit and ties on. He brings you before the Court and Leaves you there. Thus the Court has Leave (another way of saying they have jurisdiction over you). An Attorney is an Officer of the Court, thus his obligation is to the Court. To add insult to the injury, or to the corruption, the Court he is obligated to be a defacto court, a colorable court, operating in Collusion, and in color-of-law. This is more reason why you cannot utilize an Attorney. An attorney speaks for inanimate objects, corporations, who cannot speak for themselves. He or she possesses a Bar Association Card, which is a membership card -- it is not a license, besides a license to practice law does not exist. As well a license is a permission to do something that is otherwise unlawful. Utilizing an Attorney admits you to their Jurisdiction, which is ABSOLUTELY inferior, they have no jurisdiction over you. They are inferior Courts and as such, they possess no delegation of authority because legislation DOES NOT give administrative courts judicial powers. Boy, have we been duped! Municipal courts, Administrative Courts, and Officers of such Courts, administrators, Agencies and agents alike, etc., operate under Color-of-Law, even though they have taken an Oath to uphold the Constitution, and the laws of the United States (USC Codes). They have created a colorable jurisdiction, as they have no Jurisdiction over the Natural Person. Colorable persons or fictitious, persons, corporate persons, chattel property, fall up under their colorable jurisdiction. This is why it is so very important to Declare your Natural Status. Their authority is over those who are in their Jurisdiction, who subscribe to them, i.e.. Union States (U.S.) Citizens, corporations, those who are labeled Indian, Negroe, Colored, Black, etc. Thus it is necessary for you to Declare that you are not a corporate person, nor are you a member of the Union States Society. This is done through the universal process of Nationalization. First, you must be a National, then you can Nationalize or do Inter-national trade, activity, etc. and claim your inheritance, your lost estate. Declaring your Nationality indicates your natural status and links you back to the human family and the Family of Nations.
"The right of a person under the 5th Amendment to refuse to incriminate himself is purely a personal privilege of the witness. It was never intended to permit him to plead the fact that some third person might be incriminated by his testimony, even though he were the agent of such person." -- Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43.