Open Source Has Made Way, Cryptocurrency Is Here To Stay!
With great satisfaction... Not afraid to say, "Told You So!"
Stemming from a greater subject written right here, on this very blog! Twelve years ago (or better, actually!) Eager to learn anything thought to be of value later in this venture. Digging deep into the Open Source materials!
Stemming from a greater subject written right here, on this very blog! Twelve years ago (or better, actually!) Eager to learn anything thought to be of value later in this venture. Digging deep into the Open Source materials!
How much value would this really be if not given to others to benefit from as well?..
Originally everything sought was to achieve our very own personal and business goals. Something just didn't set right. Feeling as if we needed more, to do more!
Sharing IS Caring...
In efforts to provide this same information to the non profit sectors as well as small business owners! We wanted to share anything and everything that would greatly impact the organisation or business. Countless hours turned into long weeks, months, even years. Time was well spent reaching out to help others and watching this continually grow!
Saving Time/Saving Money!..
Saving Time/Saving Money!..